Tuesday, December 05, 2006

maybe if we keep them separate but equal...

My recent post responding to the comment about Debbie Maken brought me on a brief internet safari (I looked at what else came up in the technorati search that lead to my site). I found a blog post on a site that is labeled "A Website of Focus on the Family." The post is one of the more blatant examples of heterosexism I have seen in a while. The post remarks on the story of a landscaping business that chose not to work with a gay couple and sent them an email explaining why with this email text:

I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us. I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work with homosexuals.

Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

All my best,


And it gets worse. The post then suggest that "However you feel about the decision they made, it's hard to criticize the way they handled it." I disagree. It is easy to criticize the way they handled it. What is wrong with this country when someone can express blatant discrimination without any reason besides "we choose not to work with homosexuals" and then be commended for their bravery? We used to do this to black people, but last I heard anyone who still behaves that way knows better than to do it so publicly for fear of backlash. I would be (slightly) more forgiving if the landscapers had expressed concern for their young sheltered laborers, or if the couple had been presenting their sexuality in a way that was offensive, but even then, there is no excuse for treating a person as inhuman. And encouragement of this behavior from organizations that claim to be christian makes me sick to my stomach.


Joel Swagman said...

Now that i've delurked, I guess i might as well start commenting.

Like you, I am simply amazed at this. I'm sure in 20 years, people will look back at things like this with disbelief at how they could ever have been so hateful.

Anne@Kitschy Vintage said...

I'm sure that I will be in the minority of your readers, but I absolutely respect the right of the landscaping firm (and any business)to choose not to deal with a prospective client (for whatever reason), but find it hard to believe that anyone would NOT criticize the way they worded that! A simple "no thank you" would have been fine.

And in true OCD style, I had to delete my previous comment because I forgot an apostrophe and couldn't stand it to be posted that way!

bethany said...

(Auntie, I deleted your mistake comment all the way. Because I am compulsive. everyone else: she is not crazy.)

Gregory said...

When will Christians learn that sin is sin and to discriminate on the basis of what type of sin the person is involved with is nothing more than a poor witness for Christ?

Can we stop pretending that it's being Christian that makes us drive these people away, and admit that we're homophobic and just a little grossed out? Maybe that would start to bridge the gap a little.

Joel B. said...

I wonder if that business would have chosen to work with an unmarried heterosexual couple that was living together.

Because, if they were going to have a consistent "ethic" (using that term loosely), that would have been the thing to do also.

James Gilmore said...

In order to truly be consistent, they'd have to refuse to work with the following people:
-Women who wear power-suits (Deut 12:5)
-People who work on Saturday (Ex 35:2)
-Football players (Lev 11:7)
-People who eat shellfish (Lev 11:9-12)

Of course, it seems as if their concern (as most of conservative/fundamentalist American Christianity's) isn't to help people live moral, upright lives - it's to stick it to those gay people. And at a certain point, it ceases to be an act of holiness (if it ever was one to begin with) and just ends up being mean-spirited. These people have every single right to do business with anyone they want, but we have every single right to call them bigots for it.

I'm just going to take that crab puff now.