- is this really a reasonable number of books for a person to have?
- Are there some I can get rid of?
- What is the cat doing on the bookshelf?
- I wonder what these authors would say to each other if they had to have a conversation with the author they are shelved next to.
It’s that last question that made me think I should make a blog post about. I’ve mostly been shelving by book height instead of topic, so there are some curious juxtapositions. For example: what would Clark Pinnock and Guy Debord find to say to each other? I would actually love to sit in on a conversation that would take place among Neil Postman, N. T. Wright, and Danielle Allen. I would REALLY like to hear what Simone Weil has to say to Debbie Maken. I like to think it would be a thing or two (note: I only own the Debbie Maken book because I found it used and cheap and I might need it for critical reasons).
Anyway, these are my thoughts. I should be actually doing the unpacking instead of writing about it.